
Welcome to Sama Motion and Relief Therapy™, the S.M.A.R.T way to restore optimal alignment and function to your body for an active and pain-free life.

home page1Find out how to: Live pain free and optimise your body’s potential by restoring its intrinsic natural design.

Balance your body; improve motion and get out of the cycle of chronic pain and recurring injury.

Maintain strength, flexibility and stable posture to keep your body moving and feeling healthy.

SamaFitness™ specialise in ‘Non-medical pain relief’. A process of postural analysis and progressive gentle functional corrective exercise designed to help you rediscover, restore and return your body safely to its original pain-free balanced blueprint

Get back in the swing of your daily activities. We help you achieve your health and fitness goals and free you of pain forever, ultimately putting your health back in your control.

We look for the underlying cause, not just the symptoms.

Do you suffer from?

Back Pain

Sports Injury

Neck Pain


Joint Pain


How long have you been suffering?
Do something today. Contact Samafitness™ now...........

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